Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Fundraiser Info!

Okay, newest fundraiser is ready. We only have a few weeks between when we pick up our finished HS in the morning, and when our dossier will hopefully be to China. So we've got to ramp up our fundraising efforts. I'm hoping that our big Project Sole shoe drive coming up, in partnership with a local radio station, will be really successful, but we need to have multiple things in the works at all times. We will be giving away FOUR incredible quilts. We will be giving away this very quilt here, as well as three others, most of which will be made by our sweet friend, Darlene Cunningham, to the winners specifications (with some restrictions). All the quilts are 4 feet by 4 feet, best suited for a twin bed or for a television or reading type of blanket. Donations of $10 (or more, if you like, we won't fight) to our youcaring account, puts you in the running for these gifts, or just because we love it when people help us out, we'll throw your name in the hat if you share the specifics of our fundraiser. Once we have another $500 towards our dossier, we will gift five of our awesome friends and supporters with four quilts and an Amazon gift card. So there will be FIVE gifts we plan to give away. Please let me know if you donate any time soon, or if you share the information with friends!



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